Mediální studia | Media Studies


  01 Jul 2020

Mediální studia / Media Studies 2/2020 was supported by a subsidy from the Media and Audiovisual Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

download the full issue PDF


Adina Baya
Reporting on Refugees in Online Alternative and Mainstream Media in Romania PDF

Andrej Školkay
Social Media Regulation from the Perspectives of National Media Regulatory Authorities in V4 PDF

Miroslav Vlček
The Role of Symbolic Capital in the field of state funded documentary movies in Slovakia


Daniel Russo
Comedy and Tolerance: Vir Das, Standup Comedy and Religious Tolerance in India PDF

Mira Abrahamyan
The Impact of New Media on Peace-Building in Democratic republic of Congo


Todd Nesbitt
Thirty Years of the Propaganda Model: Resilient Universal Filters or Local Legend? PDF

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